What Happens When You Call?
We will promptly schedule an appointment with you to come, measure and analyze your carpet areas to be cleaned, evaluate the best means of cleaning them, and quote the complete job cost the exact way you want your carpets cleaned, and if you wish, protected.
What Happens When We Come?
Should you schedule a work order, we will arrive within the 30 minutes preceding the scheduled time, or call ahead if delayed.
Some customers help us by removing knick-knacks, and other small breakables to a safe place.
We normally have a 110 gallon capacity fresh water tank supplying cleaning water on site. In rare cases, we will require a cold water hook-up, but we are equipped to hook up to most any sink. If you are willing and it is accessable, we appreciate your allowing us to connect for excess water use and any necessary extra water for our next cleaning appointment for that day. Thanks so very much!
We will then vacuum, move required furniture and begin the cleaning steps as listed.
- Preconditioning
- Grooming
- Pre-spotting
- Hot Water Extraction
- Post-spotting
The furniture will be replaced after cleaning under its normal position and protected with plastic or block tabs whichever is required.
Our cleaning equipment does present some dangers, especially to small children, pets, and even grass-burn from hot hoses and exhaust. To observe these, the technician will properly set up and may request your cooperation during some of our cleaning segments.
What Should You Do Next?
Upon completion of the work, we usually collect payment unless prior arrangements were made. We are able to create invoices electronically at the time of cleaning work order, and since we charge for actual cleaning time, your invoice will only be finalized at job’s end time. If necessary,a hand written work order is available filled out by our technician.
We will explain the best way to accelerate drying for your carpets, the general rule being continuous airflow.
If you have selected protection for your carpets, a product-specific (usually 4 hr.) undisturbed dwell time period is urged but not critical. Most carpets will dry within 24 hours (with low relative humidity) when cleaned with our certification standards.